Minor Atom Try-Out Information from Head Coach


Important Try-out info......


Minor Atom A Tryouts

Dates and times are subject to change.

Please consult the schedule tab on the team’s website regularly to ensure you have the latest information. Don’t forget to bring a water bottle for your player.

Please read each specific try-out date and the process that follows each session if applicable on the schedule tab.

Keep an eye on what try-out group you are in.(TBD)

Try-out game plan will consist of 5 minute full length of ice skating followed by 45min intra-squad games with referees.

The evaluators will be evaluating all the fundamentals plus some intangibles:

  • Skating ability
  • Hockey sense
  • Work ethic
  • Puck skills (shooting, passing, stick handling)
  • Character
  • Offensive/Defensive awareness


Questions and Answers:

Parents/Players: The Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey Association Tryout Protocol requires that all communication regarding the tryout process be made to the Sting Executive Liaison.

Any questions with respect to the process, please contact Lisa Lefevbre who is the liaison for Min or Atom A.